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Dream Like A Child And Make Some Cool Imagery!

I've been playing with the idea of composites for awhile now and have done some projects on a professional level for some clients but I seemed to keep it from the public as to say.. Hey I do this as well!! Really dont know why that was. So I decided to dive deeper into it and do some studying on the subject. Well that world of photography is pretty interesting to say the least. My nature on a shoot is a tad to be on the control side reeled back by my conscience saying to me "don't let the eagerness to make a great image be confused with an inflated ego"... We all know in the commercial world that sometimes you got to make it work and make it work fast. So I guess my point to this is.. I love that by doing this type of photography it allows me to work every bit of the image so that it can be addressed individually with great detail. The image as exciting and fast moving as they can look can now actually be slowed down during the shooting process for the perfect expression or body position on one indivdual and not trying to nail multiple expressions and or movement in one shot. The light can be tweaked to optimum acuracy, the backgrounds are only limited to your imagination! I found myself approaching this shot almost daydreaming like a kid. Coming up with child like scenarios.. Maybe there is power in that approach. Kids can sometimes have a wild imagination because well.. they are kids.. I like that freedom. So i'm off to daydream up the next scenario to make some cool imagery!

You can see more at my site:!composites/kzpji

My Best



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